February 26, 2013

“Outsiders: Crisis and the Limits of Urban Community in Late Medieval France”

Posted in Uncategorized tagged at 5:07 pm by Benedicte Mauguiere

Colby History, Colby Historians bring you Speaker: Sam Boss (Colby ’08)
Tuesday, March 5th / 7:00 pm / Diamond 141
Speaker: Sam Boss (Colby ’08),
Brown University Department of History
“Outsiders: Crisis and the Limits of Urban Community in Late Medieval France”
This talk will examine the ways that the combined crises of the Late Middle Ages (including plague, war, famine, revolts, etc.) affected policies and attitudes towards outsiders such as merchants, pilgrims, refugees, and foreign mercenaries within three different cities in France: Montpellier, Lyon, and Rouen. How do diverse communities define themselves? How does crisis affect understandings of who belongs and who is an outsider?
Sponsored by Colby History Department Speakers Series, in Honor of the College’s Bicentennial, 1813-2013
Colby History, Colby Historians

Railroad Square Cinema showing of French Film “Amour”

Posted in Uncategorized tagged at 4:47 pm by Benedicte Mauguiere

Railroad Square Cinema and the Colby Film Society invite you to Dollar Night at the Movies to see AMOUR, this Tuesday, February 26 at 6:45 pm. Colby students, faculty, and staff pay only $1, so be sure to arrive early!

Nominated for a virtually unprecedented (for a foreign film) FIVE Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actress and Best Director, AMOUR has already won the National Society of Film Critics’ Award for Best Film of the Year. “A masterpiece about life, death and everything in between… This is a film that will make you weep not only because life ends but also because it blooms”-Manohla Dargis, N.Y. Times. “The title is French for love. The movie itself defines what love is. And it does it the hard way. No sex, drugs or rock & roll. Just two people offering each other total commitment. Did I mention both are in their 80s? Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) are retired music teachers living comfortably in Paris, with occasional visits from their daughter (Isabelle Huppert). Then Anne suffers two strokes. Riva, her face a study of age in agony, is magnificent. Austrian writer-director Michael Haneke achieves levels of intimacy previously unknown in his work. What happens next in his unique and unforgettable film must be left for you to discover. These two glam stars of French cinema give performances of breathtaking power and beauty.”-Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. In French with English subtitles. PG-13. 127 Min.

Debate around Gun Control and recent school shootings

Posted in Uncategorized tagged at 4:39 pm by Benedicte Mauguiere

Next Thursday, 2/28, the Colby Democrats will be hosting a dinner and discussion on current debate around Gun Control and recent school shootings.
It will be held from 6-7:30 in the Bobs Private Dining Room.
All are welcome, and we hope to get a group with diverse views to spark interesting debate!
Special Guests include Henry Beck, Democrat and State Rep from Waterville and Colby Graduate of ’08, Coalition for a Safer Maine Representatives, and Maine Citizens Against Handgun Violence Founder.
Come whether you support new legislation or not, or if you just want to be more informed!
See you all there!

February 23, 2013

Film français La Règle du Jeu (The Rule of the Game)

Posted in Bénédicte Mauguière tagged at 11:53 pm by Benedicte Mauguiere

La Règle du jeu (The Rule of the Game) par Bénédicte Mauguière

La Règle du jeu (The Rule of the Game) est un film qui a été réalisé par Jean Renoir. Les films de Jean Renoir (1894-1979) tels que Boudu sauvé des eaux (Boudu Saved from Drowning), Le Crime de Monsieur Lange (The Crime of Monsieur Lange), La Grande Illusion (Grand Illusion), ont dominé et profondément marqué le cinéma français entre 1930 et 1950. Fortement critiqué lors de sa sortie en 1939, à la veille de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, La Règle du Jeu a aujourd’hui acquis le status de chef-d’oeuvre du cinéma mondial. Il est régulièrement mentionné parmi les films qui ont le plus influencé les amateurs et les professionnels du cinéma. Il est aussi le film qui a été le plus commenté par la critique et analysé dans la littérature académique. Le réalisateur François Truffaut ne disait-il pas qu’il s’agissait du “crédo des cinéphiles. Le film des films”?
Pour moi, il constitue le portrait le plus complexe et le plus sévère de l’irresponsabilité des élites à l’aurore d’une des plus grandes tragédies de l’histoire du vingtième siècle. Bien qu’environ trois quart de siècle nous sépare de la sortie de ce film, plus que jamais sa thématique semble avoir une singulière résonnance et être d’une frappante actualité. C’est pour cela que La Règle du Jeu est un film à voir et à revoir.
Une initiative collective de MIFF et de Colby College permettra à la communauté de Waterville et de ses environs de découvrir (ou de revoir) ce film magistral dans sa version originale en 35 mm avec des sous-titres français le Lundi 25 Février à 7:00PM à Waterville Opera House. Le prix du billet est $9 et $5 pour les étudiants.

The French film The Rule of the Games will play in its original version in 35 mm (with French subtitles) Monday Feb. 25, 2013 at 7:00PM, at Waterville Opera House, Waterville, Maine